The new Kickstarter for Duncan Rhode’s & Trans Atlantis Games’ Two Thin Coats paint range has launched and been funded already. Wave 2 contains another 60 colours, bringing the range to a total of 120 paints! Here on Tale of Painters we give you an exclusive rundowm of the complete second wave.

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From all the new paint ranges released in recent years, it was Duncan’s Two Thin Coats range that has completely won me over. Even though the colours are relatively expensive and difficult to get outside the UK, the quality is just plain excellent. Very high pigmentation and coverage, a creamy and rich consistency, and smooth application. Think of a full range of Citadel Base paints – but in dropper bottles. You can find out more in my detailed video review:

There is also a written version of this review, check it out here.

Please note: This is not a sponsored post, thoughts and opinions are our own. Trans Atlantis Games provided us with review samples of wave 1 and some graphics and insights about their second Kickstarter.

Two Thin Coats wave 2 on Kickstarter

If Two Thin Coats had a weakness so far, it was the limited choice (and some leaking tips because they overfilled some bottles in their first batch). But with the new Kickstarter, 60 more colours will be released, including 6 new metallic colours, 3 new washes, 6 transparent glaze paints, and 6 extra bright highlight colours. Here is the overview of all the new triads:

Duncan Rhode's Two Thin Coats paints wave 2 chart

As you can see, the second wave closes all major gaps of the original release. Like with wave 1, the colour selection is clearly inspired by the current Citadel paint range. That’s absolutely fine with me, as I like the Citadel Colour palette, and it makes transitioning very easy, especially as Duncan provides a handy conversion chart on his website.

Two Thin Coats wave 2 painted examples

In the top row we have the six new metallic paints. There is a dark steel colour with Dwarven Iron, and a variety of new brass, bronze, and copper paints. These are promised to have the same excellent properties as the metallics from the first wave. Next we have the three new coloured washes, which expand and complete the washes from wave one. On the right, we have the six new glaze paints. Glaze paints used to be a part of the current Citadel range before they were discontinued a couple of years ago, and especially the yellow glaze was quite popular with Imperial Fists collectors. Let’s see how Duncan’s glazes compare – Trans Atlantis Games advertises these as super highly pigmented, and they certainly look like it.

Painted examples of Duncan Rhode's Two Thin Coats wave 2.
Two Thin Coats wave 2 painted & photographed

In the second row we have a new ochre triad. Gyzmo Fur, Mantichore Ochre, and Cerberus Brown don’t look as cohesive as other triads, but I was told that they actually come together when using them in a base, shadow, and highlight manner. Next are two new flesh triads for painting olive and dark skintones, both of which looks absolutely amazing. The six paints on the right are the new “brights”, which are extra bright highlight colours to complement the red, yellow, blue, orange, green, and purple triads. The red (Hellspawn Red) doesn’t look much brighter than Demon Red from the first wave, but I heard that Duncan is especially proud of this paint. It’s supposedly the “most red” red paint ever made, so I expect this to be a very pure single pigment red.

In the third row we have three new green triads. There is a grey-green triad, an ochre green triads, and a jade green triad, which all look super lovely. Of course, it’s up to personal preference, but at least for my taste the colour selection of the Two Thin Coats range is just aesthetically pleasing in my eyes. There is also dirty/warm grey triad, which looks a bit dark, considering wave 1 was quite heavy on black and dark grey paints but a bit light on medium greys. Please note that on the photo Ashen Grey and Eidolon Grey are mixed up, Ashen Grey is the darker “shadow” colour. Last but not least, there is a new medium brown triad, which I also really like.

In the bottom row, we have a pink triad, and a red triad with a cooler, more pastel tint that complements the warm red triad from the first wave. There is a teal triad, and a vibrant blue triad that expands the more muted ultramarine blues from wave 1. Finally, we have a muted green triad perfect for painting Greenskins.

Where to get Two Thin Coats

As of now, wave 1 of Two Thin Coats paints is available in UK online shops such as our partner stores Wayland Games and Element Games. Wayland Games ships to all European countries with DDP (delivery duty paid), so there is no need to worry about additional import duties, plus their international shipping rates are very affordable.

Wave 2 is currently being funded on Kickstarter and the goal was already reached within one day. The Kickstarter will run until 10 February, after which late pledges will still be possible. You can find the Kickstarter here.