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Currently on the workbench: Chariot of Tzeentch!
This model is plain fun. It’s basically the stuff I like about Screamers combined with the stuff I like about Flamers all in one.
The model itself is almost done, I need a proppa base now I guess…
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Sigur is a full-time professional painter and founder of Battle Brush Studios. As a passionate wargamer he champions variety in miniature gaming, be it figuress, rules sets or hobby supplies. His collection includes a variety of scales, historical periods and settings, such as Space Orks, Imperial Guard, Sisters of Battle, Dark Elves, Ancient Persians, Thirty Years War, Napoleonics, WW2 and much more.
Hey Sigur, this looks amazing. I'm a big fan.
Would you please create a tutorial how to do the rainbow blending?! 🙂
Looks nicer than the GW one. Awesome stuff
I really can't wait to see all of these together as an army. I always thought that Tzeentch daemons were hideous, but this color scheme really works great for them. Nice work!
@Acrylicaddict: Thanks very much. 🙂 Do you mean how long have I been painting miniatures (close to 18 years) or do you mean how long this particular model took me (I'm not sure, part of the basecoating was done in batch with somd of the other tzeentch models)?
@Kai: Thanks muchly for the comment and I KNEW that I'd get called out for that by some people. Here's my explanation: You see, this is Tzeentchy fire we're talking about here so wouldn't it just be the Great Deceiver's way to invert it so it looks right at first glance but has an unnatural, upsetting quality to it. 😉
Right, I get it. Who would ever dare to doubt the ploys of the Changer of Ways?
I guess I didnt think about it as a question having to meanings 🙂
It was more directed towards how long you spent on the model itself, but thanks for the other one as well.
Once again, your choice of colours is gorgeous! However, I don't think I'm a fan of the way the flames are painted, as they're actually "inverted"… Wouldn't flames be the hottest on their "inside" and closest to their source (the flamer's maw) and therefore the brightest, instead of the other way round? Therefore, shadows in the flames' "recesses" don't really make much sense, IMHO.
Which does certainly not mean that your skill isn't anything short of perfect!
I love your whole Tzeentch scheme, worth repeating I guess 😉
Out of curiosity how long does it take for you to get this far?
Keep it up, love to see more…