Finally! I finished the Thorns of the Briar Queen from our Mortal Realms subscription in my custom purple paint scheme. Check out more pictures after the jump.

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These were pretty enjoyable to paint, lots of character in each model. Even though I managed to break a couple of pieces, including the twine of the Briar Queen, I managed to repair each breakage to almost invisibility. GW, why do you make your models so fragile?

A lot of people ask me about my Nighthaunt paint scheme. I basecoat them purple, then apply zenithal highlights of Corax White with an airbrush. Then I do some additional purple glazing and shading, a couple of gentle drybrushes with Corax White and pure white, and finally an edge highlight of pure white. I also made a detailed tutorial:

How to paint Nighthaunt Patreon tutorial banner

You can grab the complete step-by-step tutorial for my Nighthaunt here in my Patreon shop (or by becoming an Autarch tier member). Also includes additional tutorials for turquoise hexfire and glow effects!

How do you like my rendition of the Thorns? Leave a comment or reaction below!