The gloomy crypt of Noctis in Shyish is the setting for Warcry: Crypt of Blood. The box contains six new terrain pieces, and I didn’t miss the chance to paint them for my terrain collection. Find out how in this showcase post.

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In my review of Warcry: Crypt of Blood, I criticised that the box was a bit light on contents. Nevertheless, the Soulblight Gravelords themed graveyard terrain was a perfect fit for my Shyish-themed Age of Sigmar terrain collection.

Warcry Crypt of Blood Neferata statue

The walls, fences, and statue of Neferata complement my Legion of Blood Skeleton Warriors well, and also look great as a backdrop for my Nighthaunt. I hope we see a separate release and/or an expansion of this terrain theme at some point.

I chose a jade green paint scheme, with grey rubble for the bases, to match the cardboard gaming board from the original Warcry starter box. For the sarcophagus, I created a subtle marble effect with my airbrush, using the wet-wipe method.

How to paint Warcry: Crypt of Blood terrain Patreon tutorial banner

I explain how I did the marble and painted the walls and fences in detail in my masterclass tutorial of the Crypt of Blood terrain. You can find the PDF in my Patreon shop, or you can access the tutorial along my other resources, such as my paint charts or the masterclass tutorial for my Skeleton Warriors, by joining my Patreon as an Aspect Warrior tier member.

Hope you enjoyed my take on the Crypt of Blood terrain, and maybe this post inspired you to spend some time on your own terrain collection. Make sure to check out Garfy’s Crypt of Blood post here, who also painted all of the warbands from the set.

Cinematic shot of the Warcry: Crypt of Blood graveyard terrain
Warcry: Crypt of Blood was kindly provided by Games Workshop Ltd.

Let me know if you got any questions down below in the comment section, or over on our friendly hobby Discord server, and/or leave a reaction. I see you soon on my next post here on Tale of Painters, and until then, happy hobbying.