Showcase: Necromunda Gor Half-horn by Lecoqadoodledoo
Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledoo here with my take on Gor Half-horn, the Beast of Necromunda. It was a really enjoyable miniature to work on, and arguably still my favourite sculpt from the Necromunda range so far. Ever since this bounty hunter was revealed, I knew I’d...
Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Captain by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledo here with a Primaris Ultramarine Captain. I painted this guy as a gift for a close friend that got me into the hobby. I decided on an Ultramarine because they’re my friend’s favourite chapter, and he’s a bit of a son of...
Showcase: Skaven Warlord by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey guys! Lecoqadoodledo here with a Skaven Warlord I painted up in late March. It’s always been one of my favourite sculpts in the fantasy range, and my goal with this miniature was to try and achieve an ‘Eavy Metal style paint job. As I...
Showcase: Shadespire Steelheart’s Champions by Lecoqadoodledo
Hello all, Lecoqadoodledo here! Just like pretty much all the other Painters here, I too have been riding the Shadespire train. I fell in love with the Stormcast sculpts when they were initially revealed, and knew I had to paint them as soon as possible....
Showcase: ‘Eavy Metal Masterclass Faces by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey everyone! Lecoqadoodledo here with a little showcase of some faces I worked on a month ago. I painted these for a seminar I ran recently on painting faces, and I needed a few examples of what a hobbyist can achieve with the techniques I...
Showcase: Deathrattle Wight King by Lecoqadoodledo
Hi guys, Lecoqadoodledo back with a miniature I worked on recently between a few other projects I’ve been prepping. I painted this Wight King as a gift for fellow Tale of Painters guest blogger FruitBear, and I’m very happy with how it turned out....
Showcase: Scythes of the Emperor Primaris Reivers by Lecoqadoodledo
Hello everyone! I’m back with Reivers from First Strike that I finished a month or so ago, with the refined scheme from the test Scythes of the Emperor Primaris I posted up a while back. This is definitely the finalised scheme, and I really enjoyed...
Showcase: Blood Bowl Ogre by Lecoqadoodledo
Lecoqadoodledo back again, but with some Blood Bowl this time. I’ve had my Ogre sitting around since it came out earlier in the year, and I finally decided to just get it painted last week. Brikk joins my Ostermark Comets, and has performed decently in...
Showcase: Scythes of the Emperor Intercessor by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey guys, Lecoqadoodledo back with another Primaris test model. This is the last one though, as I’m pretty set on doing a Scythes of the Emperor force. The inspiration came from both the awesome colour scheme, and the fact that they are the most deserving...
Showcase: Eldar Farseer of Biel-Tan by Lecoqadoodledo
Lecoqadoodledo here with my most recent display piece. Originally I intended to enter this in Golden Demon, but was unable to finish it in time. So when I got back from the UK in early June, I set about getting this guy finished, using it...
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