Editorial, Epic Scale

Chat: 1997 Epic 40,000

Inspired by Rev’s retro 40k post, I thought I’d share one of my recent eBay purchases, the Epic 40,000 boxed game. I’m a sucker for old skool Games Workshop stuff. Especially if I use to own it… the reason I had to buy it again...
Paints & tools, Reviews

Review: Vallejo Surface Primer

I heard about this product recently and when I stumbled across it in a shop in Central London, I thought I’d get some to review for Tale of Painters. Vallejo Surface Primer is an undercoat paint. The one I’m reviewing is in a 200ml bottle...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarine Terminator Librarian

Some of you may remember my 2012 New Years Resolution post where I showed the awesome Tyranid Attack box set. Well I thought I’d dip into the box contents and work on the plastic Terminator Librarian. This guy is short and stocky, but I think...
40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: NMM Blue Force Weapons

I have 2 whole weeks off work, and with so much spare time on my hands, I can afford to pick up and paint some obscure minis. With this in mind, I picked up the old 1st Edition Space Hulk plastic Terminator Librarian and started...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarine Scouts led by Telion

I have finally finished these Scout models that have been on my desk for what seems like an eternity. I’m really happy with them. I like my little sculpted details and converted Stalker Pattern Boltguns. I’m really digging the red gun cases, that little flash...
Fantasy - The Old World

WIP: Arachnarok Spider #5

It’s always nice to complete the base. I always feel like the project is getting somewhere when the base is complete. I used cork, slate and spare plastic bits from the Orc and Goblin range including some more skulls. It’s not Warhammer unless it has...

Showcase: The Dark Grot

Find out more after the jump… Having a bit of fun today with Batgrot. He’s based on an old out of production Warhammer Doomdiver pilot, with a mask and belt sculpted from greenstuff. The ears are the tips of plastic Space Marine lightning claws. If...