
WIP: Grey Knight Storm Raven #1

This is the first post of a new project. I really like documenting my progress on Tale of Painters. I find it useful to stay motivated during a big project. I actually started this model yesterday, but the airbrush results were hideous so I re-undercoated...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Tyranid Forge World Hierophant II

I started blogging the painting of this beast on the 1st of March. 12 WIP posts and 29 days later the model is finally complete. This took me a lot longer then 29 days though. I didn’t document the assembly and that was quite time...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarine Stormraven

++Incomming vox comm++ This is Brother Techmarine Edictus, requesting permission to land. Proceed through the jump to the landing zone for the full debriefing. Bless the Omnissiah. Why should Blood Angels and Grey Knights have all the fun? You might have guessed by now that...

WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #12

The front claws are complete. This just leaves the back legs to paint and the model is complete. I added some glazes to the claws to shade them down to brown. It’s just helped tint them a bit darker. I’ve also continued with the purple...

WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #11

I’ve made some good progress with the Hierophant recently. I’ve had a little airbrush session and highlighted the carapace on all 4 legs. It’s looking almost complete now, but there is still a long way to go. Read on to find out how I masked...

WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #10

Wow, the WIP blog for this beastie has now hit double figures. Will it never end!? In this update I show the completed bio cannons and some interesting size comparison shots. Above I’ve included a full body shot just for completeness sake and to show...

WIP: Tyranid Hierophant Biotitan #9

This project is starting to drag now. I think it might be because I’m distracted with the new mountain bike I just built. However, some progress has been made. I’ve been painting the bone talons and spikes.

Showcase: Tyranid Mawloc

I painted this Mawloc when it first came out. It’s a pretty cool model to paint. My paint scheme has evolved slightly since this model was painted. I don’t do the striping/streaking on the carapace anymore, instead I just blend the colours (as seen on...