40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Pain Tokens

I made these pain tokens to record the number of enemy units slaughtered by my own units so I can keep track of the benefits bestowed on my blood soaked units. Using a small flying base, I pushed a mound of milliput putty onto it...

WIP: Dreadfleet Terrain Pieces

Over my (short) Christmas break I’ve been working on the Dreadfleet Terrain. Here’s a sample of some of the pieces I’m working on at the moment. The rock was lightly dry brushed with Vallejo Game Colour (VGC) Terra Earth, then VGC Cold Grey + VGC...
Fantasy - The Old World, Showcase

Showcase: Chaos Manticore

In the Summer, Games Workshop’s Web Team hosted a Storm of Magic painting competition. All you had to do was load your pictures to the Facebook picture uploader, and then Eavy Metal’s Joe Tomaswhat’shisnamezowski would pick his favourite 6. There were around 1100 entries, and...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Necron Warriors

I’ve finished my 6 Necron Warriors I’ve been working on all week. I’m really happy with these guys, especially the gun barrels. I might look for some red scrub for the bases though, they seem a bit sparse.

WIP: Necron Gauss Weaponry Test

Don’t cross the streams! This is my third attempt painting the gun rods on my warriors. Attempt one was blue lightning, the second attempt was just glowing blue OSL and this third attempt is a straight rip off from Ghostbusters and I think I nailed...

WIP: 6 Necron Warriors

I’m going to be working on these 6 warriors today. Red chests are next after the rust stage. I’m only painting the chests red on these. My immortals had red thigh and shoulder armour too. If I paint praetorians and lych guard then I’ll increase...
40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: Painting Rusty Necron Armour

I’m painting up a couple of Necron units at the moment inbetween Dreadfleet and Ultramarine models, and I thought I’d share with you guys how I paint my quick and easy 4 step rusty Necron armour. Step 1: I basecoat the model in Tinny Tin....

Showcase: Dreadfleet Swordfysh

Avast ye hearties… I’ve just added the last lick of paint to Aranessa’s Warship, The Swordfysh! Compared to the Heldenhammer and the Bloody Reaver this model was much easier (and faster) to paint. This is the first ship I’ve enjoyed painting as well.