Showcase: Greater Brass Scorpion of Khorne by Uruk
Hey folks, Uruk here back again with some Khorne goodness – this one doesn’t need any introductions, so hop inside! The Scorpion truly is a beast of a model! Never thought a day would come that I own this huge chunk of resin, but here...
Showcase: Rogal Dorn by Rich
Hi, there ToP readers, Rich back again. In my last post (if you can remember that far back!) I promised more gold shiny miniatures, this time from Forge World, without any further ado here is my take on Rogal Dorn. This was a really fun...
Showcase: Ultramarines Primaris Captain by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey everyone, Lecoqadoodledo here with a Primaris Ultramarine Captain. I painted this guy as a gift for a close friend that got me into the hobby. I decided on an Ultramarine because they’re my friend’s favourite chapter, and he’s a bit of a son of...
Showcase: Astra Militarum Veterans by Alejo
Hello everyone, Alejo back with another showcase! This time, I bring you an Astra Militarum Veterans squad set to assist the Ultramarines 6th Company Ochres! These savvy veterans are reinforcements ready to give their lives to defend and guard their stronger brethren, more details to...
Showcase: Tyranids Carnifex and Trygon by Aurélie
It’s Aurélie, I’m back with two Tyranid beasts from my latest commission, a Carnifex and a Trygon, painted with an intriguing colour shifting effect. Check out more pictures after the jump. I got the colour shifting paint from a local craft store. It’s also known...
Showcase: Astra Militarum Special Weapons Teams by Alejo
Hello everyone, Alejo back with another showcase! This time, I bring you an Astra Militarum Special Weapons Team set to assist the Ultramarines 6th Company Ochres! These Heavy Flamers, Meltas and Plasma gunners are reinforcements ready to mow down any Xenos or heretics that get...
Tutorial: Magnetizing an Imperial Knight Questoris
Hello everyone, Silvernome here back again with another post! But instead of showing off something I’ve painted, I thought I’d share some insight into how I magnetized my Imperial Knights. This will work with any of the basic Questoris class kits (Paladin, Errant, Crusader or...
Showcase: Roboute Guilliman by Alejo
Hello fellow hobbyist! I am Alejo and would like to introduce myself. Originally from Colombia, I currently reside in The Bronx, New York and have lived in the United States for quite some time! I have painted miniatures for over fifteen years, but more so...
Showcase: Great Unclean Ones of Nurgle – Trio of Rot by Silvernome
Grandfather be praised. Today I wanted to share with you a trio of the most unclean deamons in the Warhammer Universe. But to start a bit of a side story on how I came across these disgusting beasts: In the mid-2000’s I had the pleasure...
Showcase: Skaven Warlord by Lecoqadoodledo
Hey guys! Lecoqadoodledo here with a Skaven Warlord I painted up in late March. It’s always been one of my favourite sculpts in the fantasy range, and my goal with this miniature was to try and achieve an ‘Eavy Metal style paint job. As I...
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