Showcase: Death Guard Mastodon by Silvernome
What’s better than a tank? THE BIGGEST OF THE TANKS! With 8th edition, Chaos can finally take the mighty Mastodon and Jason couldn’t wait to add it to his Death Guard forces… My original plan was to pick this up to add to my Armies...
Showcase: Death Guard Leviathan Dreadnoughts by Silvernome
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness. I wanted to start sharing some of my Death Guard force. Before 8th edition was released, my girlfriend got me a Leviathan Dreadnought for my birthday. Even though I wasn’t able to use it in...
Showcase: Adeptus Custodes Trajann Valoris
Hi there, Rich back again and this time with something that doesn’t have a goblin green base! Thats right, I’ve been working on something distinctly contemporary, Trajann Valoris to be exact. He’s actually a test model for a small contingent of Adeptus Custodes I plan...
Showcase: Thousand Sons and Magnus the Red by Silvernome
Hello everyone, Silvernome here with the second part of my Forces of Change: The Thousand Sons, including both versions of Ahriman, Sorcerers, Magnus the Red and Occult Terminators. Since I have a large and slow Death Guard force, I wanted my Thousand Sons force to...
Showcase: Shadespire Steelheart’s Champions Severin Steelheart by FruitBear
Hello everyone, this post will be different from my previous Nighthaunt posts with a little something to cut through the spookiness. With that I present to you Sevrin Steelheart from the Shadespire game. Like so many other painters here on TOP I really welcomed Shadespire...
Showcase: Retro Blood Bowl High Elves Team by Rich
Hi readers, Rich back again with some more goblin green bases. This time I present to you my recently finished and my first Blood Bowl Team, the Galadrieth Gladiators. I based the colour scheme on Games Workshops box art but I have simplified it a...
Showcase: Nighthaunts Cairn Wraith
Hello all! Back once again with another Nighthaunt post. It’s my second one of this miniature and here you have it! It’s the Cairn Wraith. As you can see I’ve gone with a turquoise and green scheme which is nothing out of what I usually...
Showcase: Nighthaunts Hexwraiths by FruitBear
Hi everyone! I’m back with another Nighthaunt unit. This time it’s a unit of Hexwraiths that I’ve completed recently. I’ve always though Hexwraiths looked cool and with me collecting a small Nighthaunts force I had to have a unit in the army. One thing I...
Showcase: Nighthaunts Tomb Banshee by FruitBear
Hi everyone, I’m back here again with another showcase with this time being the general for my 1000 point Nighthaunt Army. With that I give you the Tomb Banshee.Since this is the general for my army, I wanted to try something different on her. I...
Showcase: Daemons of Tzeentch by Silvernome
Hello everyone, Silvernome here and today I’m going to share with you the first part of my Forces of Change: Tzeentch Daemons When building out my Death Guard army I loved the flexibility that the daemons added when playing the game. I wanted to keep...
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