
Showcase: Dreadfleet Seadrake

First of the Capital ships for the current Dreadfleet project done! It’s the Seadrake, the High Elven ship. No guns, just bolt throwers, but they’re packing two proper large dragons as well. Always fun to see how different the experience on painting each of these...
Age of Sigmar, Reviews

Review: Tabletop World Townhouse II

Today I would like to share with you some thoughts on the Tabletop World’s Townhouse II model; top of the line 28mm terrain for medieval and fantasy gaming. Tabletop World have been around for a while now. They are known for making very pretty looking resin...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #4

Being done with the inside details of the model (well, almost), I’m proceeding to the armoured bits. Here are a few samples of what I’m working on at the moment. The titan will be part of Legio Crucius, just like the Warhound I did a...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #3

These here are the side panels inside the back compartment of the main body of the titan. The two chaps who attempt to throw their hands in the air to wave them as if they certainly did not care are the gun servitors for the...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #2

Traditionally I start painting titans from the inside out, meaning I do the interior first and then work on the outsides. In the picture above you can see the insides of the frontal part of the main body and the cockpit in the head with...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Painting #1

Starting out with the little things, here’s the Techpriest. Just a quick paintjob, as he’ll be glued into the back compartment of the titan, working on some console with the back turned to the viewer, so this is the best look anyone will ever get...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Assembling #3

The beast is slain! Well, not, it’s standing tall, but you know what I mean. The #bloodytitan is put together. Apologies for the poor picture quality, but it’s just a WIP after all, right? So yeah, some setbacks on the way. The biggest probably was...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Assembling #2

Proceeding with putting the beast together… As mentioned in the previous post, I’m keeping the model in several separate sections for ease of painting and transport. The main body with weapon mountings will be in two parts (the frontal one you saw last time with...

WIP: Imperial Reaver Titan Assembling #1

I’m not only painting Dreadfleet at the moment, but also a Reaver Titan. Not just that, I also get to clean and build the big guy. …and it is a ton of work. I work with resin kits a lot of course and this isn’t...