Blood Bowl, Showcase

Showcase: Blood Bowl Slayers

Time for more eclectic Blood Bowl minis! Today it’s Slayers. Very interesting sculpts. I like them. I mean they’re a bit coarse one might say, but this is BloodBowl. And they’re happy. I do like happy lead. There’s more than enough grimdakness I say!
Blood Bowl, Showcase

Showcase: Blood Bowl Fans

First part of a few Blood Bowl minis I recently painted for a special little commissoned project. Here we got a bunch of Dwarves and a Halfling Blood Bowl fans. Really, really fun figures. The sculpts are pretty rough (very old-school stuff), so I wasn’t...
Horus Heresy, Showcase

Showcase: Raven Guard Contemptor

Hint: It’s the tall guy in the back, with the defiant look. Cool mini (of course, it’s a Contemptor). Very interesting to paint too. Scenic base is always a plus too of course. Good stuff, mucho likey.  This is the last Raven Guard post from...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Raven Guard Scouts with Sniper Rifles

Raven Guard Scouts! With sni- why, yes, you’ve seen 10 Raven Guard scouts with 10 sniper rifles last month, but they were different ones to those. So they’re good for an update. Raven Guard like having lots of scouts (or have to like them), what...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Raven Guard Shadow Captain Korvydae

Another smaller update, this time it’s just one mini actually, but a speshul one – it’s Shadow Captain Korvydae! Cool model. Quite the attitude and quite the hammer. I tried to keep the palette very restrained, as on all Raven Guard I paint for this...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Raven Guard Assault Squad

Raven Guard Assault Marines are da bomb, and here’s a squad (or ‘an Unkindness’ as Rev once very fittingly called a number of Raven Guard Marines) of the guys I painted. Straightforward stuff, I say, but they look cool in the end. Hope you like...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Astra Militarum Advisors

A Guardsman is nothing without leadership, so here we got a commissar! Because when no proper officers are around we’ll have to resort to political officers. First time I painted one of those new commissars and I have to admit that it’s a pretty fun...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Astra Militarum Veterans Squad

Finally got to paint an Imperial Guard squad again! I painted a lot of those of course for my own IG armies, but I think that this squad is the prettiest I’ve ever done. They’re a mix of all kinds of bits including these metal...