
Review: Ready-Made Terrain

Heyhey, today I would like to take a closer look at some ready-made terrain by First Things First Disclaimer: The review pieces were supplied to Tale of Painters by for free. Cheers! Usually when I review something it’s stuff I bought myself. If...
Editorial, Event Reports

Event Report: Austrian Salute 2017

Saturday, March 11th Austrian Salute opened its doors again, and I was there. It was the 7th Austrian Salute already and for me, it was the fourth year attending. Of course, it’s a much, much smaller affair than the original Salute in London, but with...

Tutorial: How to make wargaming trees

Look, I made some trees! Sorry for the bad pictures. It’s not really worth taking more impressive pictures of single trees unless they’re standing on a nice gaming table I think. I got the idea from my gaming buddy who made some exquisite trees for...

WIP: Sisters of Battle Canoness Veridyan #2

Here’s the second WIP of the Canoness, and things are looking better already, don’t you think? The face doesn’t look quite as much of a mess any more, I did some painting on the sword blade, neatened up the metallics, did the hair and such....

WIP: Sisters of Battle Canoness Veridyan #1

Look at me old sod buying myself a GW model! 😀 Other than with my regular GW purchases I actually build and paint her pretty much right away though. Over the past year I also bought that new Cauldron of Blood and the new War...
Fantasy - The Old World

WIP: Halfling Rooster Riders

Hullo. 🙂 Just a quick one from me today – it’s a WIP shot of the first two Rooster Riders I’m working on. These are from a Kickstarter I backed last year. Now I got a coop’s worth of these chaps lying around (plus some...
Mordheim, Reviews

Review: Antediluvian Film-based Pirates

*cough cough* Today I would like to present you with a few thoughts on an inconceivable set of miniatures which was released recently by Antediluvian Miniatures.  Antediluvian Miniatures do have some very interesting ranges. It’s a small, but eclectic bunch of mostly ‘pulp’ miniatures, prehistoric monstrosities...
Mordheim, Showcase

Showcase: Skaven Assassins

Here’s the start on another Fantasy warband project: It’s a bunch of lovely Skaven Assassins for Mordheim (I still tend to type Mortheim, because for the German version they changed the name as “Mord” is “Murder” in German and that would have been a bit...