Wrath of the Soul Forge King Unboxing & Review
40k, Reviews

Review: Wrath of the Soul Forge King

In the third chapter in the Arks of Omen saga, Vashtorr the Arkifane lays siege to the Rock. To follow along the narrative, Games Workshop is releasing a new Battlebox that includes Vashtorr and a brand new miniature for Supreme Master Azrael of the Dark...
Cinematic shot of an Alpha Legion Anointed from Kill Team Nachmund, painted by Stahly.
40k, Kill Team, Showcase

Showcase: Alpha Legion Anointed

I haven't posted a model in quite a while, but be assured, I haven't been idle. Here is another model from my slow-growing Alpha Legion Chaos Legionary Kill Team from Kill Team: Nachmund, the half-possessed Anointed. Find out more in this post.
Strike Force Agastus review & unboxing, featured image
40k, Reviews

Review: Space Marines Strike Force Agastus

Strike Forge Agastus adds two-and-a-half new units to the armoury of the Adeptus Astartes. In this review, I unbox the new Primaris Space Marines army set and take a closer look at the design of the new models, their sprues and what assembly options they...