Kill Team: Gallowfall review & unboxing
Kill Team, Reviews

Review: Kill Team: Gallowfall

The Gallowdark season of Kill Team comes to an epic (?) conclusion with the fourth and final expansion box. In our Kill Team: Gallowfall review, we'll take a closer look at both the Fellgor Ravagers and Hearthkyn Salvagers teams, plus the new terrain and content...
Cinematic shot of a Raven Guard Phobos Kill Team on Killzone Moroch terrain
40k, Kill Team

Showcase: Killzone Moroch Sector Fronteris board

Today I can finally present you my Sector Fronteris gaming board from Kill Team: Moroch. This black-and-white collection of terrain features all of the pieces from the Moroch board, plus a few other things as well. Check out more pictures and learn how I painted...
Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow unboxing and review

Short review: Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow

Here comes our short review and unboxing of Warhammer Underworlds Wyrdhollow. In the second half of the Realm of Beast themed season of Warhammer Underworlds, Stormcast Eternals and Disciples of Tzeentch enter the guts of Ghur as they carve their way into the arcane knot...
Seraphon army set review featured image
Age of Sigmar, Reviews

Review: Seraphon Army Set

It gets scaly in today's cold-blooded Seraphon army set review. 21 brand new models and a new Battletome await us, and in this unboxing we take a look at the new Slann Starmaster, the new Saurus Warriors and the Raptadon cavalry in particular.
40k, Reviews

Review: The Lion & Retinue

The Arks of Omen saga concludes with the fifth book The Lion. That can only mean that the long lost Primarch of the Dark Angels is back, so Guilliman doesn't feel so alone anymore. Revealed at Adepticon 2023 for the first time, the Lion is...
Green Stuff World Basic Tool Set box

Review: Green Stuff World Basic Tool Set

Starting the hobby can be daunting. You'll need paint, brushes, tools, and all that stuff, and the choice is wide. Many hobby companies offer sets for beginners, but so far I haven't seen one that I would really consider good. In today's review, we'll take...