Fantasy - The Old World

Clanrats primed

There wasn’t much going hobby-wise in the last few days because I got a new PC and had to set it up, transfer all the data from my old PC and so on. And work of course. However today I got around priming all twenty...
Fantasy - The Old World

Clanrats Command Conversions

A little focus on the Command of my Clanrats. The horned rat skull tip of the Standard Bearer’s banner is from the Stormvermin sprues and should be very suitable for a unit that is escorting a Grey Seer and his Screaming Bell. The Clawleader is...
Fantasy - The Old World

Plague Wind Mortar WIP

I’ve used my holiday spare time to get a healthy dose of painting. This is a Plague Wind Mortar team and Spear Clanrat No. 20. Painting the Mortar team is good fun, even though the model is pretty bad and probably the weakest one of...

My Hobby Christmas Presents

I hadn’t much hobby stuff on my christmas wish list this year, mainly because I’ve already got a huge pile of unpainted models. However I’ve got a Feldherr Mini bag from Feldherr with a 60 mm thick foam pluck tray in which I will put...
Fantasy - The Old World

Another batch of Clanrats finished

I was very hardworking over tha holidays and finished the fourth batch of Clanrats. I’m at my parents now and don’t have static grass with me, so I will do that once I’m back home (sorry for the bad colours it’s my parents’ camera). I’ve...