Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Farseer painting update
Unfortunately a lot of overtime prevented me from doing any more work on the Farseer, but today I finally had the spare time for a lot of painting. What’s left to do is painting the head and correct any small mistakes I made on the...
Little strokes fell big oakes… or Farseers
Despite having to work until 8 PM I try to keep painting everyday even it is only half an hour. Since the last picture I finished the red areas, the black staff, the leather bags and straps and started basecoating the gold areas.
Having the work blues
When I started this blog I was eager to have a post almost everyday. In the last couple of months the number started to dwindle because of my graduation. Well, starting tomorrow, I will be working full time with lots of overtime likely. This is...
Farseer painting started
So after I finished my Fire Prism (HQ pictures will follow once I get around varnishing it) yesterday I started painting a Farseer as a reward. So far I painted the purple cloak, the bone lining, the white sash and the red robe. I’m really...
Fire Prism, 95% complete
So my Fire Prism is almost done. The only thing left to do is adding another decal, fixing the occasional mistake and of course varnishing. I’m really happy I’m finally done with it, I’m working on it for two weeks and I got sick of...
My Ultramarines at
I’m pleased to see GW chose my Ultramarines to showcase on their “What’s New Today?” blog. Check out this link in case you haven’t already. Funny how they changed my words when I wrote I stripped and repaint Marneus Calgar. Seems GW doesn’t want you...
Fire Prism stripe pattern added
I did the first highlight on the hull and added the stripe pattern. Painting Eldar tanks is really exhausting and taking ages. I’m really happy that this one will be the last one.
Fire Prism turret complete, hull started
So I completed the turret. I also added a transfer. You can see the converted prism cannon very well in this picture. I’m back at home now and started painting the main hull.
Fire Prism turret 95% done
I’m almost done with the turret. I only need to do some minor corrections, a final highlight on the canopy (I forgot to take the appropiate colour with me) and applying a transfer. The canopy and the crystal allowed to practise blending. I’m quite happy...
Fire Prism turret painting
I’m currently at my parents but took some paints and brushes with me and started painting the turret. I did the shading on the red armour and currently I’m applying the first highlight.
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