
Looking for awesome Skaven Blogs and Logs!

I have a hard time at finding some decent Skaven armies for inspiration. I’m looking for geat Skaven project logs, blogs and showcases. They should be nicely painted and mainly consist of new models. If you got one of your own or know a great...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Farseer

This is my slightly converted Farseer. As the armament of the model wasn’t 100% WYSIWYG in terms of codex options, I removed the Shuriken Pistol and added a pointing hand from the High Elf Bolt Thrower sprue. Now he has a really cool “guide” pose....
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Fire Prism of Saim-Hann

This is my Fire Prism, painted in my usual Saim-Hann scheme. As you see, the striking difference between the off the shelf model is the converted “old school” prism cannon. It looks more like the old model and I think it compliments the proportions of...
Fantasy - The Old World

Gathering the rats

Thanks to the very few parts of the models I was able to put this regiment together in no time. What you see is actually the first half of a 40 rats strong horde that will push a Screaming Bell. On a provisional movement tray.
40k, Fantasy - The Old World

Warlock finished, Skaven started

So I finished the Warlock yesterday which will be the last Eldar model I’m going to paint for the time beeing. I also varnished all my Eldar models that weren’t yet which means I can finally take some high quality pictures of my second Guardian...