
What do you think of Skavenslaves with Slings?

If you didn’t know yet, GW will release a metal bitzpack containing sling arms for Slaves two weeks after Island of Blood. This made me think whether I should equip the Slave regiment of my upcoming army with them. A draft of the army list...

Eldar Guardian Painting Update

This is where I am right now with my Guardians. With the female chests in the Guardian kit, I couldn’t resist doing an Eldar “chick”. Each of my Guardians squads has as many Elf heads I could find because most models in the range where...
Paints & tools, Reviews

Incoming: New Paints

So I ordered some more paints for my ever growing paint collection. I’ve got almost 200 pots now… I got Vallejo Game Color Tinny Tin, Hammered Copper, Bright Bronze and Formula P3 Brassy Balls. This means that I’ve got now every metallic colour from deep...
40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to Paint Daemonettes

As promised my Daemonette tutorial! I kind of sticked to the studio paintjob, but wanted to add a little more contrast. I made the hair and the robes more pink because what would Slaanesh be without pink? Also I added a little bit of turqouise...

Even more Eldar Guardians

So I started work on another batch of Guardians. I drybrushed their bases together with the recent batch and did the shading of the armour today.
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Venerable Dreadnought

I haven’t forgotten this one. Finally proper pictures of my Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnought. The Venerable Dreadnought is a very well thought out kit and packed full of options. Sadly, not all of them look that good. As I am a graphic designer in real life,...

The Next Tutorial Shall Be…

… a Daemonette of Slaanesh! That’s why I needed all the pinks and purples. Was great fun to use some colours I don’t work with usually. For all my German readers, I will publish the tutorial on Tuesday at Brückenkopf. In addition I’m going to...

Sneak Peek at Upcoming Tutorial

I thought it would be great to do another step by step tutorial showing how to paint a complete miniature. I’ve already done some for my Eldar, as well as for Blood Angels, Cadians and Skeleton Warriors, just have a look at “Browse by Tags”...