40k, Showcase

Full army shot of my Ultramarines

I thought it would be great to take a picture of all the Ultramarine models I painted so far. The illumination is not perfect, a little bit too bright, but you can get the impression. For detailed shots of each squad or tank click on...

Check out my new Avatar!

I always thought it would be great to have an avatar which is personal yet characterful. So I just did a little illustration of what is basically me in a Guardian Defender suit. I’m by no means a great artist, but I think it serves...
Fantasy - The Old World

The Skaven Challenge Part 1: Painting

I’ve already dropped a few hints here and there about my big new project once the majority of my Eldar army is finished. Beware man-things, it’s Skaven! I’ve always loved Skaven fluff but I never liked the asthetics of their model range. This was until...

Two more Harlequins finished

I finally finished these two Harlequins (except for varnishing). Next up are a Great Harlequin and regular one, making a total of five Harlequins. Once these are finished, I will save my other five Harlequins for a later point and paint something else. I’m not...

Tutorial: How to paint Skeleton Warriors

Cheers, another easy step by step tutorial, this time a Skeleton Warrior from the Vampire Counts range. Finishing the model took only about 70 minutes, which allows you to field decent painted regiments in a reasonable amount of time. 1. Prime the model with Skeleton...