Stahly hails from Craftworld Germany and has been involved with Warhammer since childhood. He has painted several armies and countless warbands and Kill Teams over the decades, and founded Tale of Painters in 2011. When he's not painting miniatures incredibly slowly, he's testing the latest paints, tools and kits with German precision and a no non-sense attitude.
Review: Legions Imperialis Mechanicum Battle Group
The cogs of war turn ever onward! The Mechanicum arrives in Legions Imperialis via its brand-new Battlegroup. This review dives into the details of the sprues, exploring the build options for the cybernetic warriors and mechanical monstrosities that will soon march to war in epic...
Review: Stormcast Eternals Tornus the Redeemed, Lord-Relictor, Lord-Terminos, Stormreach Portal
Get ready for part 2 of our in-depth look at the new Stormcast Eternals models! We're diving deep into the sprues and build options of the entire new wave, and today we're spotlighting Tornus the Redeemed, the revamped Lord-Relictor, the alternative Lord-Terminos, and the epic...
Review: Stormcast Eternals Lord-Celestant, Reclusians, Stormstrike Palladors, Iridan the Witness
After the Skaven, it's now the Stormcast Eternals' turn to receive a massive influx of new models for the 4th Edition of Warhammer Age of Sigmar. In part 1 of our mega review, we take a closer look at the first half of the new...
Review: Blood Angels Sanguinary Guard, Captain, Sanguinary Priest, Sanguinor
In this review, we examine the second wave of Primaris Blood Angels releases: the new Sanguinary Guard, The Sanguinor, the new Captain, and the Sanguinary Priest. As always, we’ll provide high-res images of the sprues along with a comprehensive overview of all included bits and...
Review: Kill Team: Hivestorm Pt. 2 – the rules
In this post we take a look at the format of the new Kill Team Core Book and the Hivestorm dossier from Kill Team: Hive Storm. We share our impressions of the new Kill Team edition from a casual player's perspective and analyse what has...
Showcase: Warcry Azyrite Plaza & Ruins #1
Today, I’m showcasing the first half of my Age of Sigmar terrain collection. I’ve painted the Azyrite Ruins from the original Warcry starter box, if you remember those. You’ll find pictures, colours, techniques, and my thoughts on them in this post.
Video: The Citadel Colour “conspiracy”
A while ago, Squidmar and Andy Wardle from Cult of Paint sat down and uncovered changes in the current Citadel Colour range Games Workshop didn’t tell us about. And it’s not just them, I've ALSO noticed that the Citadel paints I've bought recently seem different...
Showcase: Ossiarch Bonereapers Teratic Prowlers
I've always been a big fan of the Ossiarch Bonereapers range, and with the release of Warcry: Briar and Bone, it was the perfect time to paint a few of these "bone samurai". In this post, I’ll show you the Teratic Prowlers from the Teratic...
Review: Kill Team: Hivestorm Pt. 1 – the models
This review kicks off the brand-new 3rd Edition of Kill Team with the Kill Team: Hivestorm box. In part 1 of our two-part mega-review, we take a closer look at the models - we show you on high-resolution sprue images what you can expect from...
ToP Tip: 3 quick guides for painting gold, bone & deep red armour
In this ToP Tip series, I share my best paint recipes on a regular basis. In today's post, I brought three painting guides for painting armour: golden armour, bone, and the deep red of the Blood Angels.
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