
WIP: Ultramarines Tactical Squad #1

I’m currently reworking a Vindicator, but inbetween I’m preparing my next Tactical Squad. Like my other Ultramarines projects, there’ll be a mix of old and new models. The old models, painted about six or seven years ago, will be retouched to match the painting level,…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Apothecary

Another older model of mine I upgraded to a 32mm base. Otherwise, I didn’t change much, and while the paint job doesn’t reflect my current skills, I guess it’s still fine. I like the head with the half mask, it somehow reminds me of a…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ultramarines Rhino / Razorback II

Hi all, I’ve finished my new Rhino and also repainted an older Razorback Heavy Bolter turret… check out all the pictures (including Rhino mode) after the jump. The Rhino hull is a completely new paint job, while the turret comes from an older model. I…

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WIP: Ultramarines Rhino

The good old Rhino. Who hasn’t painted one or two (or a dozen) of this model. The kit has a lot of visible joints that the designers would hide more cleverly nowadays, but together with the Land Raider, it’s still my favourite Space Marine vehicle…

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