40k, Showcase

Showcase: Space Marine Heroes Brother Gaiun

Stahly is a bloody nice bloke! He sent me this Blind Box Space Marine Hero as a Christmas present. (read about them here in his review). I’ve had an itch to paint a Dark Angel for a while. I think they might be my favourite…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Goff Orks Horde

Heyhey, I hope everybody had a wonderful bunch of holid- WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGH!!! Hooray for Orks! Which is why a gentleman had me paint a whole lot of Ork Boyz for him. A while ago I painted a test unit I showed earlier, here’s now the full result….

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WIP: Primaris Ultramarines Lieutenant #1

Merry Christmas and Season’s Greetings! I almost wanted to name this blog post WIP Punisher Marine. I think he has an air of Jon Bernthal about him, it might just be me because I’ve been watching the Punisher on Netflix for the past week. As…

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WIP: Ork Kill Bursta Tanks

Hey all and hope you are preparing or already have started a well earned Christmas holidays break. Today I’m showing a couple of Forge World Ork Kill Bursta tanks. Not certain why these are suddenly so popular but I have been asked to paint a…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Goff Orks Test Unit

Heyhey, I’m working on a new Goff Orks project, and these here are the test figures for the colour scheme and general approach. Haven’t painted any Orks for a while now (in fact I hadn’t painted any 40k models since early summer!), and it’s always…

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