40k, Showcase

Showcase: Chaos Spawn of Nurgle

Hi, all! Now that Dark Imperium is out, I remembered that I used to paint some Nurgle guys, like this Chaos Spawn. The model is converted from a Skaven Rat Ogre. Something different compared to the new 8th edition models, but I still like it. So how areeverybody’s Dark Imperium…

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WIP: Death Guard Poxwalkers #2

After some more refining on the skin, here’s the clothes mostly done. Some more touches and I can proceed to the many, many bloody details. 😀 I cut a few corners by using quite a lot of black on belts, clothes and pouches, but the…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robots

Hey guys, I’ve completed the next unit for my new Adeptus Mechanicus army for 40k, a unit of Kastelan Robots. I really enjoyed painting these. I’m really happy with the finished product on this unit, I can’t wait to use them in a game now…

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WIP: Death Guard Poxwalkers #1

Right, that’s the skin mostly done. I didn’t know how to tackle this one right away, but I painted a LOT of zombies and Nurgle minis in my time, so I was confident enough to just go ahead and see what I come up with….

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WIP: Ultramarines Devastator Squad #1

The Skaven Blood Bowl players are done and just waiting for the varnish to dry, so it’s time to start the next project: reworking another Ultramarines squad. This time, it’s my Devastators, and from the picture above, you can see what I will change. The…

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WIP: Adeptus Mechanicus Kastelan Robots #1

A quick update on the progress of my Adeptus Mechanicus army for 40k. The next addition to my army is some Kastelan Robots. I’ve basecoated them all, and will next move onto applying transfers before adding shades and then details. These are quite fun models…

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WIP: Dark Imperium Nurgle Death Guard

Hey all, so excited to finally get my hands on the new 8th edition Dark Imperium set and all those lovely new models. Today I thought I’d show the beginnings of a pair of Death Guards in which I’m trying out a scheme. I’m trying…

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