With another Wight and Skeleton player, my Shambling Undead for Blood Bowl and the board game version Blitz Bowl are almost complete. Some pictures in this post.

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Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Skeletons and Wight on a white background, painted by Stahly

Next to the Zombies, which you can find here, the Wight is probably my favourite model from this team. For painting it, and the other Skeleton players, I used a combination of zenithal highlight, Vallejo Xpress Colors such as VXP Plasma Red and VXP Velvet Red, and manual highlights and glazes.

Back view of Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Skeletons and Wight on a white background, painted by Stahly

You can find all of the paint recipes in this post:

A more detailed tutorial will be available on my Patreon in the next couple of days.

Blood Bowl Shambling Undead Skeletons and Wight in front of the game box

All that is left now to complete my seven model Blitz Bowl team is a Mummy, Ghoul, and of course the tokens.

I hope to present you the finished team next week. Until then, leave a reaction below and drop your questions in the comments or over on our Discord channel. Happy hobbying!