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I had a blast painting my Sanguinary Priest, so I thought I’d use the left over parts from the upgrade sprue to make an Assault Squad for him to join. After the jump you can see the helmets and my weapon choice.
I decided on two meltaguns for this unit. Their speed will make it easy for them to tank hunt. As for the helmets, I love the beaky MK6 helmets so I’ve got two of those in the unit. I have a helmet from the Death Company set, a helmet from the Venerable Dreadnought set and a helmet from the assault marine sprue. Undercoating everything separately is a great way to save time.
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
OK lets have the megaforce storey with 4 painted models… Did you gather ll of the models before you started?
The story is Stahly and I documented our progress working through the megaforce box sets that GW released at christmas time. I completed the Necron one and Stahly completed the Dark Eldar one. See here ->
I actually own a couple more Megaforces (Space Marine and Ghost Warriors) I'm toying with the idea of resurrecting the project as motivation to get through another Megaforce. As I'm working on an Armies of the Imperium project the Space Marine Megaforce would be perfect to create new Blood Angel/Dark Angel Units. I can kit bash from my extensive bitz box like I did with these Assault Marines.
I didn't really understand your question. I hope this answers it.
Main body and packs are standard assault marines and the legs are from the old command squad sprue.
Your old command sprue in as rough shape as mine? That was a tool well past its prime.
It was ok. I have a megaforce set from about 4 years ago that I've only painted a couple of units for I've been pilfering that for parts. I'm toying with the idea of revisiting the megaforce challenge for motivation.
Go ooonnn Garfy. I loved tale of mega painters. (Just as I have been loving armies of the imperium).
What did you use for the main body, legs and packs? Tactical legs?