Showcase: Death Guard MKIC Deimos Pattern Rhinos
Hey all, today I’m showing a couple of Forge World MKIC Diemos pattern Rhinos that I painted up for my Death Guard army over the Christmas holidays. The Christmas period is always a fun time for me when it comes to painting as I use…
Showcase: Dark Angels Scorpius
Hey folks! Here’s a picture of the finished Scorpius. Complete with heat-tinted exhausts and freehand painted symbols and checks. All in all this was a really fun project. I’m looking forward to more Dark Angel models in every variety in the not too distant future….
WIP: Dark Angels Scorpius #2
Good even folks. I’ve been working away at this Scorpius. At this stage I’m doing the edge highlights. I’ll shortly be adding three freehand DA symbols and two checked panels.
WIP: Dark Angels Scorpius
Hello there. In the short time I’ve been writing here you may have noticed that I tend to work on several projects at once. It really is my preferred way of working. Little bits at a time on different miniatures. Using the drying time on…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Iron Hands Armies on Parade Board by Andy Northcott
If you’ve been following my Armies on Parade project you’ll know I won my local Games Workshop’s competition. It was close though, I was tied for first place and someone had to cast the deciding vote. Andy’s impressive Iron Hand’s collection collected the Silver medal….
Showcase: Space Marine Imperial Fists Jetbikes
Hey all, today I am showing some Forge World Imperial Jetbikes that I worked on the same time as the Forge World Outriders that I posted a few days ago. The Jetbikes sort of shocked me when I first put them together as they are…
Showcase: Space Marine Luna Wolves
Hey all, hot on the heels of the Imperial Fists that I showed yesterday I bring some Luna Wolves. The models are by Forge World and I used brass etching for the shoulder icon’s. I have worked many times before with the etching but usually…
Showcase: Horus Warmaster Primarch of the Sons of Horus
Hey all, today I bring you my finished Horus Warmaster that I showed half finished a few days ago. I decided to go with a mixture of color schemes by various artists who contributed to the book Visions of Heresy. Having finished the model I…
Showcase: Mortarion the Reaper Primarch of the Death Guard
Hey all, today I bring you my recently finished Mortarion. I have a bit of a soft spot for Mortarion as I run a Death Guard army and had to pick up the model whilst at London Comic Con. The model itself was a blast…
WIP: Horus Warmaster Primarch of the Sons of Horus
Hey all, its a been a busy week for me. I am currently painting up a Dark Elves army and should have some photos up on Tale of Painters in the coming weeks. As a side break I have also been painting up Forge World’s…
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