Showcase: Space Wolves Deredeo Dreadnought by ComradeQuiche
Hello all, My name is Shane Blomberg (AKA ComradeQuiche) and I am a product designer living in NYC. A big thanks again to Stahly for giving me the opportunity to share my newest project here on Tale of Painters! After my last big project (The…
WIP: Salamanders Primarch Vulkan
Yup, still going on with those Salamanders. Here’s their Primarch in WIP form. 🙂 Not sure if I can say all that much about the model at this point. I mean the picture says it all: It’s a cool sculpt, it comes in the usual…
Showcase: Salamanders Javelin Attack Speeder
So here’s a Pre-Heresy Land Speeder painted in Salamanders colours and with some iconography added. This is an interesting one as on this model we get rounded shapes which he pretty much hadn’t seen on Space Marines hardware since the early 1990s. I mean the…
Review: Forge World Model Masterclass The Horus Heresy Volume One
This week I got a new Forge World painting guide book The Horus Heresy Model Master Class Volume 1. I already own two of the previous Forge World painting books Imperial Armour volume 1 and II, which are great. So it was a no brainer…
Showcase: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought from Betrayal at Calth
Hey folks, it’s Blood Angels weekend with even more red armour today! I just finished the Contemptor Dreadnought from the Betrayal at Calth set. Painting “Vorlois” was a real blast. Make sure to check out all the pictures after the jump. While painting the model…
WIP: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought #3
Hey folks, progress on my Contemptor Dreadnought from Betrayal at Calth! The work on the body is almost complete, now let’s finish this up and move to the arms. There are loads of golden areas on this model, I think the combination of gold and…
WIP: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought #2
So I’ve put some work into my Contemptor Dreadnough from Betrayal at Calth. I painted the base and the metal areas, and basecoated and shaded the red armour. I also added a banner top from the Blood Angels chapter upgrade sprue to emphasize the Blood…
WIP: Blood Angels Contemptor Dreadnought #1
I’ve finished the Haemonculus and while I’m waiting for the varnish to dry, I started assembling the plastic Contemptor Dreadnought from Betrayal at Calth. No, I won’t paint the whole set or delve deeper into the Horus Heresy, but I got myself the Contemptor to…
Showcase: Zardu Layak and Blade-Slave Bodyguards
Hey guys, today I thought I’d show the Zardu Layak and Blade-Slave Bodyguards that I have been working on as a two part commission. The second models I’m working on are some Forge World Ultra Marines. I really like the Zardu set. The models themselves…
Showcase: Emperors Children Phoenix Terminators
Hey all, today I bring the final version of the Emperors Children Phoenix Terminators that I have been working on. They ended up taking a bit longer than I initially expected but I think the work paid off. For the purple colour I used Comm…
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