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Hey guys, today I thought I’d show the Zardu Layak and Blade-Slave Bodyguards that I have been working on as a two part commission.
The second models I’m working on are some Forge World Ultra Marines. I really like the Zardu set. The models themselves are slightly larger than a regular Terminator and have a really warped feel to them. Whoever designed them did a amazing job and it was a pleasure to paint them. What do you guys think? and are you excited about the new Horus Heresy board game thats about to be released?
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Why are you guys not making any more tutorials, I would prefer to watch them (your tuts), than movies being released today. At least with your tutorials I get quality content.
Please make more tutorials! 🙂
I really like the Word Bearers possessed models, really cool models!
TEN paintjob over this kind of creepy things is a must!!
Hey cheers Andrea. I like them too. Wish they belonged to me.
Hi Hari, the red is Vallejo fire red and scarlet red with a GW ball red wash. The washes on the bone are GW.
That's quite a simple recipe for the reds, but it looks really nice.
Did you add a varnish afterwards? The red seems to have a shine to it. Normally when i wash things with Gw stuff like bloodletter/aggrax it tends to make colours even more matte.
Cool paintjob, did you use com art paints for the reds?
Also that bone looks nice, did you use gw washes to do it?
The miniatures look great and the paintjob completes them to an even highter standard.
Really beautiful work!
So beautiful and grim =)
Very nice :>
They look fantastic!!!!
Very "ThirdEyeNukeish", beautiful!
Thanks Stats 🙂
You make them look very menacing. I was very lukewarm about these two, but they look great 🙂
Hey cheers Zab. I was hesitant also about them looking at the cost, but they are quite large figures for the price. I like them a lot.