WIP: Thousand Sons final pieces
The finish line is in sight! This army has been around for longer than most, as I gradually add bits and bobs to it. These FW pieces are the final elements I’ll be adding before it goes up for sale. I loved thed Contemptor as…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy World Eaters Deimos Pattern Predator
Here we got another Deimos pattern vehicle! FW did a really good job at updating that kit and I had quite a moment of joy when I first had the model in my hands. I hope I did the sculpt justice with this paintjob. Stay…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy World Eaters Deimos Pattern Rhinos
Hey, here’s another part of the commissioned World Eaters army I’ve been doing lately. It’s two somewhat battered Rhinos. What’s interesting about those is that they are of the pretty Deimos pattern. I really like how Forgeworld are doing all these old versions of models…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Assault
5 Assault marines round 0ff the force as it stands making for a total of 40 infantry of various types. While I remember vaguely that 5 strong squads are quite fragile, I only had 5 f the original metal RT jump packs left over from…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons Devestators
Here are the heavy hitters in this Thousand Sons force – ready to smash some Space Wolves in the face. Are those original plastic RT missile launchers you see? YES! Am I trying to fob you off with the same heavy bolter marine from my…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 3
This is the third and final full strength tactical squad making a total of 30 tactical marines in the army. Those kind of numbers help me sleep at night. This squad is an indulgence in that I’ve included a special and heavy weapon (gasp!) but…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 2
I’m a big fan of large tactical squads – and most of my armies feature at least 2 full squads if not more. It just appeals to me. I don’t mind a few specialists in a marine army, but unless I’m playing Eldar (when I…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons 1
This army falls into the ‘has been around for ages’ category, in that I started it about 2 years ago. I built it and then it sat built while I remained indecisive about a paint scheme. Once I’d decided on a scheme it sat undercoated…
Showcase: Pre-Heresy World Eaters Relic Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought
Here’s another piece finished for the ever-bloodsoaked Pre-Heresy World Eaters army. This is a really pretty model and I love the old Meltagun design. Just like in the Wargear book. 🙂
Showcase: Pre-Heresy World Eaters Army Shot
Here’s the “army shot” of the second batch of the World Eaters army commission. The first batch was shipped off around Christmas and they’re kicking hinders for the Emperor already. I hope you like the picture. 🙂 (In the background: Sandstorm! Saaandstooorm!)
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