Horus Heresy, Reviews

First Look: The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Launch Set Unboxing

Warhammer: The Horus Heresy Age of Darkness Unboxing - featured

By now, I’m sure everyone has noticed: The Horus Heresy is getting a revised new edition and with it a whole range of new plastic models. A whole bunch of them, as well as the new core rulebook, can be found in the new Age of Darkness launch box, which will be released in a few weeks, and today we take a look at what we’ll find inside.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Scale Comparison: MkVI Horus Heresy Space Marine Legionaries

Horus Heresy MkVI Space Marines Scale Comparison featured image

The new Horus Heresy launch box features 40 fantastic MkVI Space Marine models that have been completely redesigned. Many have wondered if the proportions of the models have been adjusted and how the models look in relation to Primaris Space Marines. In this post, you will find the ultimate scale comparison with all armour patterns as well as Imperial Guard, Chaos Space Marines, and more.

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