Horus Heresy, Showcase

Showcase: Sons of Horus Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

Cinematic shot of a Sons of Horus Kratos Heavy Assault Tank painted by Stahly

One of the most popular models of the new edition of Warhammer: The Horus Heresy was without a doubt the Kratos Heavy Assault Tank. This massive behemoth of a tank closes the gap between the Sicaran Battle Tank and the Fellblade, and the kit is a real treat for any treadhead. I couldn’t imagine a better model to kick off my Sons of Horus collection, so enjoy a few pictures of my very own Kratos in this post.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Horus Heresy Sicaran Battle Tank (plastic)

Horus Heresy plastic Sicaran Battle Tank Review - box

Vroom vroom! The plastic Sicaran Battle Tank enters the battlefield of the Age of Darkness. This high-speed destroyer tank was designed by Ferrus Manus and Guilliman to outflank slower vehicles and has become a fan-favourite for its potent accelerator autocannon and unique design that is so different from the classic Rhino and Land Raider hull based Space Marine tanks. In this review, we’ll check if Games Workshop has managed to translate the model faithfully into plastic or if some corners had to be cut.

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Horus Heresy, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint grimdark Sons of Horus MkVI Space Marines

Tutorial: How to paint Sons of Horous - featured

In this tutorial, I show you how to paint the MkVI Space Marines from the Age of Darkness box as “grimdark” Sons of Horus, with lots of weathering and battle damage. The whole paint scheme goes pretty fast with under 60 minutes for one model, and (almost) completely avoids edge highlights! And the best thing is that this tutorial can be adapted for any Legion or Chapter, you just have to change the colour of the armour. Let’s go.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Kratos Heavy Assault Tank

Kratos Heavy Assault Tank Review

The Kratos is a new, never-before-seen Heavy Assault Tank from the early hours of the Horus Heresy, now available as a model for the first time, and then in all plastic too! In this review we look at all the sprue, check how well it magnetises and do a size comparison.

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Horus Heresy, Reviews

Review: Legiones Astartes Special & Heavy Weapons Upgrade Set

Legiones Astartes Special & Heavy Weapon Sets Review

In this review, we take a look at the Legiones Astartes Special Weapons & Heavy Weapons (Missile Launchers & Heavy Bolters) upgrade sets, also available for pre-order since yesterday. Both plastic kits contain special and heavy weapons to upgrade the new MkVI Corvus armour Space Marines to Legion Support and Heavy Support Squads. But are they also compatible with the older MkIII and MkIV Legionaries? Here you will find the answer.

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