Showcase: Kill Team: Nachmund Sector Mechanicus terrain (incl. painting guide)
The new Kill Team: Nachmund box comes with a battle board worth of Sector Mechanicus terrain. I’ve painted the Thermic Plasma Conduits and Alchomite Stacks in an industrial grey and bronze paint scheme and in this showcase post, I explain how I did it.
Tutorial collection: Kill Team: Octarius
This week the new Kill Team Starter Set is on pre-order, and the Ork Kommandos, Death Korps of Krieg, and the Octarius Killzone terrain are also available individually. If you don’t know yet how to paint your models, we’ve got you covered with a selection of tutorials.
Review: New Kill Team starter set vs. Kill Team: Octarius
In this review we take a closer look at what’s in the new Kill Team starter set, and, more importantly, what isn’t. Is this a better purchase than Kill Team: Octarius? Find out in this post.
Showcase: Kill Team Combat Gauges (incl. paint recipes)
I like to play in style, so I thought of giving the combat gauges from the Kill Team: Octarius and Essentials boxes a lick of paint. Maybe this post will inspire you to do the same – I promise it’s fast and easy to do, and I included the paint recipes I used in this post, so check it out.
Tutorial: How to paint Kill Team barricades fast
Looking for a quick and simple way to paint the barricades from Kill Team? Then check out this tutorial. I came up with a straightforward paint scheme that can be easily replicated with only washes and drybrushing, so there’s no excuse not to try it. Definitely no rocket science.
Tutorial: How to paint the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to get the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius ready in no time, while matching the colour palette of the Octarius gaming boards. This technique works very well for all sorts of terrain and also Ork vehicles, so make sure to check it out.
Review: Kill Team: Octarius starter set (first impressions & unboxing)
Saturday. We received the enormous box set early and take a look at all of its components, including the new Death Korps and Ork Kommando models, and the Ork scrap town terrain pieces. We’ll share our initial impressions of the new edition of Kill Team and give you a glimpse of all the Kill Team related tutorials we’ve planned for the coming days and weeks.
Tutorial: How to Paint Pariah Nexus Necron Terrain Fast
In this post, I’ll show you how to quickly paint the Necron terrain pieces from pariah Nexus in just 7 steps. You’ll learn how to thin washes, use Dry Compound paints and more. Find out how in this tutorial.
Showcase: Adeptus Mechanicus Forge World Metalica Kill Team #1 (incl. paint recipes)
Check out the first five models of my Adeptus Mechanicus Kill Team, painted in the bone-white and red of Forge World Metalica. I also included a complete list of all of the paint recipes I used on these models.