The new Kill Team: Nachmund box comes with a battle board worth of Sector Mechanicus terrain. I’ve already painted the Thermic Plasma Conduits and Alchomite Stacks in an industrial grey and bronze paint scheme and in this showcase post, I explain how I did it.

I just love the industrial look of the Thermic Plasma Conduits and Alchomite Stacks. They’re not only perfect for Kill Team but also go very well with my Necromunda terrain collection. They are super modular, are compatible with the pipes from the Command Edition starter set, and paint up quickly.
Unfortunately, the Thermic Plasma Conduits are no longer available on their own. A few of them have been in the Sector Mechanicus Battlezone Charadon box, otherwise, the new Kill Team box is your best bet, but it’s also just a single print run box, so when it’s gone, it’s gone. You can check here if the box is still available at our partner stores.

How to paint the Kill Team: Nachmund terrain
Painting these pipes and stacks was really straightforward and you can easily paint the whole set in just a few evenings. I started with black spray primer, for example, Matt Black Colour Primer from The Army Painter, applied a zenithal highlight, and then it’s just applying a few washes and drybrushing. If you don’t have an airbrush, just apply a thin coat of Mechanicus Standard Grey spray paint at an angle.
Grey pipes
Zenithal airbrush: VMC German Grey [or Eshin Grey]
Zenithal airbrush: Mechanicus Standard Grey
Basecoat black areas: VMC Black [or Abaddon Black]
Selective Wash: P3 Umbral Umber [or Rhinox Hide] thinned with water
Selective Wash: Bootstrap Leather [or Baneblade Brown] thinned with water
Drybrush: RMS Stone Grey [or Greyseer / Stormvermin Fur mix]
Drybrush: Screaming Skull
Sponge Weathering: VMC Black [or Abaddon Black]
Sponge Weathering: VMechaC Dark Steel [or Leadbelcher]
Brassy details
Basecoat: VGC Brassy Brass [or Brass Scorpion]
Wash: TAP Strong Tone Ink [or Agrax Earthshade mixed with Nuln Oil]
Drybrush: Runelord Brass
Drybrush: VMechaC Steel [or Iron Hands Steel]
Abbreviations: OOP = old Citadel paint range (out of production), VGC = Vallejo Game Color, VMC = Vallejo Model Color, VMechaC = Vallejo Mecha Color, P3 = Privateer Press Formula P3, TAP = The Army Painter Warpaints, RMS = Reaper Master Series, GSW = Greenstuff World, S75 = Scale 75 Scale Color
Painting these Thermic Plasma Conduits and Alchomite Stacks will add a great atmosphere to your games of Kill Team: Nachmund:

You can find a detailed tutorial for how I painted the Aeldari Corsair in my unique burgundy and crimson paint scheme here:
I hope you enjoyed my take on these classic Sector Mechanicus terrain pieces and learnt something from my painting guide. Any questions or feedback? Drop me a comment below.