Showcase: Classic Necromunda Escher Gang #2
Here are five more classic Escher models I originally painted in 2014, and reworked just recently. I updated the basing style to match my Goliath Gang, and also refined the paint job here and there, especially the highlights on the purple armour. I added some…
WIP: Necromunda Goliath Gang with Juves #4
I’m working to bring my five model Goliath Gang to full strength, so here are five more models. New Necromunda doesn’t have dedicated models for Juves, so I thought it would be fun to mix in some classic Goliath Juve models into the mix. Like…
Showcase: Classic Necromunda Escher Gang #1
Inspired by painting the new Goliath models for Necromunda, I thought it was the perfect occasion to revisit my classic Escher gang I painted in 2014. I feel these Jes Goodwin sculpts have aged very well, as they were ahead of their time (and ahead…
Showcase: Necromunda Goliath Gang #1
I’ve finished the first five models of my Goliath gang! Skardreg’s Stimmers are ready to cave some skulls in. Find out more about the models and how I came up with the paint scheme – after the jump. The mighty Skardreg himself, and his champion…
WIP: Necromunda Goliath Gang #3
Here is the first batch of Goliath models completed. These were great fun to paint, and, thanks to Garfy’s feedback, I’m very happy with the paint scheme in the end. I went for dark, brooding colours, with warm reds, browns and orange for a steaming-hot…
WIP: Necromunda Goliath Gang #2
Update on my Goliath gang. I’ve started working on the first batch of three models, and, thanks to some invaluable input from Garfy, settled for a paint scheme I’m happy with. We’ve got a lot of oily steel, an inverted paint scheme with red pants…
WIP: Necromunda Goliath Gang #1
Next up is something completely different, a Goliath Gang made up of the current generation models. Long-time readers of this blog might remember that I lately finished painting a complete set of classic Necromunda cardboard/bulkhead buildings, and also own a painted classic Escher gang with…
Showcase: Necromunda Outlanders Watchtower
The final building to complete my collection of the classic Necromunda cardboard scenery, the Watchtower from the Outlanders expansion box. A pretty sweet structure, love the colour scheme of the artwork, the only thing I have to criticize is the placement of the hatches, which…
Showcase: Necromunda Outlanders Classic Cardboard Building #1
With the terrain of the classic Necromunda starter box completed, I now moved to the Outlanders expansion box set, which came with 12 more plastic bulkheads and this large green cardboard structure with elevator. For the bulkheads, I chose a dark green paint scheme, matching…
Showcase: Necromunda Classic Cardboard Buildings #3
At the end of 2018, I started to work on a full set of Necromunda cardboard buildings from the classic starter set and Outlanders box. I also bought some modern Sector Mechanicus terrain to accompany them. Back then, I only managed to paint half of…
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