40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Guardian Defender Squad

High quality pictures of my second Guardian Defender squad. As I said before, I think that the humble Guardians are really the best Eldar infantry models. The details aren’t as sharply molded as modern GW kits and there are gaps here and there but the…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Eldar Farseer

This is my slightly converted Farseer. As the armament of the model wasn’t 100% WYSIWYG in terms of codex options, I removed the Shuriken Pistol and added a pointing hand from the High Elf Bolt Thrower sprue. Now he has a really cool “guide” pose….

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Fire Prism of Saim-Hann

This is my Fire Prism, painted in my usual Saim-Hann scheme. As you see, the striking difference between the off the shelf model is the converted “old school” prism cannon. It looks more like the old model and I think it compliments the proportions of…

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40k, Showcase

Saim-Hann army shot

I borrowed a SLR from a friend as I had to take some pictures for a real life project. While I had the setup, I took some better full army shots of my Eldar and Ultramarines. There are some nasty shadows and I am by…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Venerable Dreadnought

I haven’t forgotten this one. Finally proper pictures of my Ultramarines Venerable Dreadnought. The Venerable Dreadnought is a very well thought out kit and packed full of options. Sadly, not all of them look that good. As I am a graphic designer in real life,…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Sanguinary Guard

Painted these two Sanguinary Guard for fun. A tutorial will follow later this week! I think the Glaive Encarmaine turned out quite cool and the deep purplish red makes the models more round thant the turquoise blades of the ‘Eavy Metal version.

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40k, Showcase

Eldar: Harlequins Showcase

High quality pictures of the first batch of my Harlequins. I’ve still got five left, including a Death Jester and a Shadowseer, but as they take quite long to paint, I decided to save them up for a later time. The paint scheme is totally…

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40k, Showcase

Full army shot of my Ultramarines

I thought it would be great to take a picture of all the Ultramarine models I painted so far. The illumination is not perfect, a little bit too bright, but you can get the impression. For detailed shots of each squad or tank click on…

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