Tutorial: How to paint Kill Team barricades fast
Looking for a quick and simple way to paint the barricades from Kill Team? Then check out this tutorial. I came up with a straightforward paint scheme that can be easily replicated with only washes and drybrushing, so there’s no excuse not to try it. Definitely no rocket science.
Tutorial: Making stone slabs for your terrain
Today on the blog I’m going to help pave the way for you to make your own stone slab flooring. I’ll include a list of what you need. I’ll detail the steps and as a bonus I’ll include a step by step guide on how I painted this terrain piece.
Tutorial: How to speedpaint Necron Szarekhan Dynasty armour
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to get the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius ready in no time, while matching the colour palette of the Octarius gaming boards. This technique works very well for all sorts of terrain and also Ork vehicles, so make sure to check it out.
Tutorial: How to paint the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius
In this tutorial I’m going to explain how to get the Ork shanty town terrain from Kill Team: Octarius ready in no time, while matching the colour palette of the Octarius gaming boards. This technique works very well for all sorts of terrain and also Ork vehicles, so make sure to check it out.
Tutorial: How to paint Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Guardsmen
In this post, I’m going to teach you how to paint my grim black-and-grey Death Korps of Krieg paint scheme. We’ll paint the whole miniature in 32 easy-to-follow steps, so you can ready your Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team in no time (or sacrifice yourself trying, like any proper Krieg Guardsmen is expected to).
Tutorial: 2 (+2) quick and easy ways to paint Ork/Orruk flesh
In this post I’ll teach you two quick and straight-forward techniques for painting Ork (or Orruk) flesh: One is based on the new Orruk Flesh base paint, while the other uses a combination of Contrast and traditional painting to create a great result without spending hours on blending or shading. I’ll also add links to two more Ork tutorials for even more ideas to paint your new Beast Snaggaz, Kommandos, or Kruleboyz.
Tutorial: How to speedpaint bone
There are many ways to paint bone, but if you are looking for a way to let Contrast Medium do most of the work for you and get a lot of Skeleton Warriors or Grave Guard done quickly, then look no further.
Tutorial: How to paint Kruleboyz Hobgrot Slittaz from Age of Sigmar Dominion
In this post, I’ll show you how to paint Glaurio Ven Alten III from Warhammer Quest Cursed City in 27 easy to follow steps. You’ll learn how I paint bright yellows, rich reds, shiny metals and more. Find out how in this tutorial.
Tutorial: How to paint sickly green Servitor / Deadwalker Zombie skin
Sickly green skin is a characteristic feature of models such as Servitors, Deadwalker Zombies, Namarti Thralls, Nurglings, or Crypt Ghouls. In this easy to follow tutorial you’ll learn about the recipe I used for my Skitarii Rangers.
Showcase: Cursed City Tutorial Collection
I’ve rounded up all the Cursed City tutorials and some cinematic shots into this single blog post to make it easier to find the one you need so make sure you bookmark this page if you’re working on your set.
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