Lotan is one of the new Hive Fleet introduced in the 10th edition of Warhammer 40k. In this tutorial I demonstrate how to paint Lotan’s characterful colour scheme with its crimson skin and reddish shimmering black carapace. For this I use the new paints and washes from TTCombat, but the painting guide can be easily followed with Citadel Colours as well.

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This tutorial assumes that you are familiar with the fundamental techniques of painting Warhammer miniatures. Usually I like to pick the best colours from all paint ranges available, but for this tutorial I only used paints from TTCombat. I painted the model as part of research for my review of the new TTCombat paints & washes, but I provide the matching colours from the Citadel Colour range in [brackets] so that you can easily adapt the colour scheme to your paint collection.

You’ll find a list of all the paints used in this tutorial at the end of the post.

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints
This model was kindly provided by Games Workshop, while the paints have been kindly provided by TTCombat

How to paint Hivefleet Lotan

Painting the carapace

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 1

Prime the model with your favourite black primer, I used AK Interactive Fine Primer Black. Once dry, paint any areas the spray didn’t reach with TTCombat Black [or Abaddon Black]. For an even result, give the carapace a thin coat of black as well.

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 2

Drybrush the carapace with TTCombat Shadowling Grey [or Skavenblight Dinge].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 3

Thin TTCombat Capo Red [or Khorne Red] about 1:2 with Thinning Medium [or Contrast Medium or Lahmian Medium] and wash this mix in the recesses of the carapace.

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 4

Apply an edge highlight of TTCombat Ospedale Grey [or Mechanicus Standard Grey].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 5

Add another even finer highlight to the carapace. For this, mix TTCombat Ostrich Feather Grey about 2:3 with TTCombat Ospedale Grey [or mix some Pallid Wych Flesh into Mechanicus Standard Grey].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 6

Paint small dots of pure TTCombat Ostrich Feather Grey [or Mechanicus Standard Grey mixed with more Pallid Wych Flesh] on the sharpest corners of the carapace.

Applying Contrast & Speedpaint

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 7

Basecoat the flesh with TTCombat Viscera Red, two thinned coats should be enough as the coverage of this red is pretty amazing [alternatively, use Mephiston Red].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 8

Mix some TTCombat Viscera Red with their Thinning Medium in a 1:2 ratio and paint this mix into the recesses of the carapace for a recess shade.

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 9

Give the flesh a wash of TTCombat Red Wash [or Carroburg Crimson].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 10

Layer the flesh with TTCombat Viscera Red [or Mephiston Red] while omitting the darker recesses. Build up the layering with two or three thinned coats for a smoother transition.

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 11

Pick out the musculature with a soft highlight of a slightly thinned 2:1 mix of TTCombat Viscera Red [or Mephiston Red] and TTCombat Brawny Flesh [or Bestigor Flesh].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 12

Add a second highlight to the most prominent features, increasing the ratio of of TTCombat Viscera Red [or Mephiston Red] and TTCombat Brawny Flesh [or Bestigor Flesh] to 1:1.

Painting the details

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 13

Basecoat the tongue with TTCombat Vestment Purple [or Daemonette Hide].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 14

Wash the tongue with TTCombat Purple Wash [or Druchii Violet].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 15

Highligh the tongue with 3:1 mix of TTCombat Vestment Purple [or Daemonette Hide] and TTCombat Phantom Ivory [or Pallid Wych Flesh].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 16

Add some tiny reflections to make the tongue appear wet. For this, paint little dots of TTCombat Phantom Ivory [or Pallid Wych Flesh].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 17

Tidy up the mouth area with TTCombat Black [or Abaddon Black].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 18

Layer the teeth with TTCombat Ostrich Feather Grey [Rakarth Flesh works as well, or use the Mechanicum Standard Grey / Pallid Wych Flesh from step step 5].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 19

Highlight the teeth with TTCombat Phantom Ivory [or Pallid Wych Flesh].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 20

Basecoat the eyes with TTCombat Trihorn Turquoise [or Ahriman Blue].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 21

Layer the eyes with a mix of TTCombat Trihorn Turquoise [or Ahriman Blue] and TTCombat White [or White Scar], about 2:3 [or just use Temple Guard Blue instead of mixing].

Tutorial: How to paint Hive Fleet Lotan with TTCombat paints step 22

Add a dot highlight to the eye. For this mix more TTCombat White [or White Scar] into TT Trihorn Turquoise [or Ahriman Blue], about 1:3 [or use Baharroth Blue instead of mixing].

Hivefleet Lotan Termagant painted by Stahly

Here you can see the result. Even though I only demonstrated painting the head of the Termagant, this tutorial covers all the techniques and colour recipes needed to paint Tyranid creatures of any size. For example, you can use the recipe for the purple tongues also for the fleshy tubes and outgrowths of the various weapon symbionts. For larger creatures or models with less armour, such as Genestealers, it can also make sense to prime the models red instead of black (if you have an airbrush), and then paint the armour black, to save a little bit of time.

Hive Fleet Lotan painted with TTCombat paints

TTCombat paints are characterised by their high opacity, especially with the red tones, and are therefore ideal for this colour scheme. You can check out my in-depth review here. Other paint ranges, such as Two Thin Coats or the new Vallejo Game Color, also have good reds, of course.

Looking for another red Tyranid scheme? Then check out my Hive Fleet Kraken tutorial here:

If you’re looking for a more traditional take on Hivefleet Kraken, Garfy has you covered in this tutorial.

Hivefleet Kraken painted by Garfy

Garfy also made tutorials for Hivefleet Leviathan and Hivefleet Behemoth, you can check these out by following the links.

Let me know if these tutorials have helped you out, either here in the comments or why not post the result over on our friendly painting Discord channel.

Paints you will need for this tutorial:

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If you like this tutorial and want to start or expand your own Tyranids collection for 10th Edition, please consider our partner stores Wayland Games, Element Games, Firestorm Games, and Taschengelddieb, which all offer a welcome discount of up to 20% over RRP. Using our links supports Tale of Painters at no extra cost to you:

Hope you enjoyed this tutorial. If so, leave a comment or reaction below, and if you got any questions, leave them here so I can answer them for you.