40k, Showcase

Showcase: Night Lords Commander

Heyhey, I’m finally back with some 40k commission work and what’s better to get back on track than with a HUGE Chaos Space Marines character? This big guy is by HiTech Miniatures. I will post an in-depth review of their stuff in a few days....
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Eldar Ravager

Today I proudly present my Ravager, the model of mine where the most things went wrong ever. Thankfully it’s not too noticable in the final model… More angles – and a lament of my failure – after the jump.   The first problem was the...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Ork Burna Bommer

As you all know I am not the biggest one for the colour, but here it is: bright yellow Ork Burna Bommer. Still trying to keep it as rusty and weathered as possible. I painted it quite a long time ago, but it is actually...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Necron Triarch Stalker

The metal lobster of melty doom is complete. The Triarch Stalker is an elite choice, open topped walker. It’s heat ray is a deadly anti-tank weapon equivalent as two multi meltas, but with the option to fire like a heavy flamer to help deal with...