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Today I’m showing the new Dark Elf War Hydra. A model that initially upon first viewing I really did not like all that much. I felt it had a almost sock puppet look to its heads, but upon painting I kind of like it now. I still think the model should of had more teeth like the old model and could have been a little skinnier looking.

On another note I have just returned from a short holiday visiting family in Belgium. Whilst in the area I visited Antwerp, Brugge and Brussels. I got to see the GW store’s in Brussels and Antwerp. Brussels store was quite small, whereas Antwerps was absolutely huge. I think they must have the most sexy GW store I have ever seen. So if you happen to be in Antwerp give it a recommended look and if in Brugge check out the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse statues that they have in the centre of town.

What do you think of the new War Hydra?