40k, Showcase

Showcase: Evil Suns Trukks, Nobz and Slugga Boyz

Proceeding with the Evil Suns army showcase we’re having a look at the first Trukk (or Trakked Trukk if you will) with its extra souped-up engine to get either the Nobz or the Sluggas into the thick of it fasta. Now you’re probably thinking “What...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Evil Suns Battlewagon

Hey, after all that showcasing of done projects that’s been going on I thought I’d chime in with some stuff of the past. This Battlewagon (with some Forgeworld add-ons) was part of a Space Orks army commission I did last summer. At the moment I’m...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Iron Hands Infantry

Resistance is futile! I was immensely pleased with how well the colours of this army worked together. The black/red/rotting flesh combo was a unexpected success. The borg style palour of the skin was achieved with rotting flesh and skull white, some thin badab black as...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Iron Hands Armour

I get stuck on certain ideas. Even though I’m constantly reminded that they’re rubbish in competative games terms I can’t seem to shift myself away from them. The ‘no sponson predator’ is a good example. I don’t understand why people aren’t scared of an AV13...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Iron Hands HQ

This army was inspired by a White Dwarf article. I know that WD peaks and troughs in terms of it’s quality, but occasionaly I’m challenged by it (Sanguinor anyone?!). Phil Dunn of ‘eavy metal was partaking in the WD tale of four painters with Goff...
40k, Showcase

Showcase: Imperial Guard Veteran Command

I don’t normally stray away from Marines, but increasingly commissions are coming in for things I can really get my creative energy behind. When I was asked to to a few squads of Imperial Guard Veterans with a variety of interesting weapons I couldn’t resist!...

Showcase: Dreadfleet Swordfysh

Avast ye hearties… I’ve just added the last lick of paint to Aranessa’s Warship, The Swordfysh! Compared to the Heldenhammer and the Bloody Reaver this model was much easier (and faster) to paint. This is the first ship I’ve enjoyed painting as well.