Kill Team, Tutorials

Tutorial collection: Kill Team: Octarius

Cinematic shot of a Death Korps of Krieg Guardsman fighting against Drukhari Wyches

This week the new Kill Team Starter Set is on pre-order, and the Ork Kommandos, Death Korps of Krieg, and the Octarius Killzone terrain are also available individually. If you don’t know yet how to paint your models, we’ve got you covered with a selection of tutorials.

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40k, Tutorials

Tutorial: How to paint Death Korps of Krieg Veteran Guardsmen

In this post, I’m going to teach you how to paint my grim black-and-grey Death Korps of Krieg paint scheme. We’ll paint the whole miniature in 32 easy-to-follow steps, so you can ready your Veteran Guardsmen Kill Team in no time (or sacrifice yourself trying, like any proper Krieg Guardsmen is expected to).

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Astra Militarum Veterans by Alejo

Hello everyone, Alejo back with another showcase! This time, I bring you an Astra Militarum Veterans squad set to assist the Ultramarines 6th Company Ochres! These savvy veterans are reinforcements ready to give their lives to defend and guard their stronger brethren, more details to…

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