40k, Showcase

Showcase: Astra Militarum Leman Russ Battle Tanks

I painted a bunch of Leman Russ battle tanks for a customer recently. Two Eradicators and one Russ. Good times. I really missed painting those chaps. The Russ is of the old kind, the Eradicators naturally are the newer kit. What I noticed about those…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Astra Militarum Advisors

A Guardsman is nothing without leadership, so here we got a commissar! Because when no proper officers are around we’ll have to resort to political officers. First time I painted one of those new commissars and I have to admit that it’s a pretty fun…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Death Korps of Krieg Commissar

Can’t have Imperial Guard without a commissar, so here’s one! The ever-popular mounted DKoK commissar, event-only miniature at FW Open day 2008. Very, very moody piece, especially with the horse being so darned weird with its claws and skeletal tail.   P.S.: If you’re in…

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