
WIP: Dark Angel Assault Marines #2

I’ve had this unit unfinished on my desk for a while now. Time to finish it it. It’s slow going carefully edge highlighting the armour. Once the armour is done things speed up. When the reds and metals are done the models are nearly complete….

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WIP: Dark Angels Assault Marine

I had enough spare bitz to cobble together a Assault Marine combat squad and I love painting Dark Angels so I thought why not expand my small Dark Angel force. Here’s the first marine. I thought I’d paint one in a single day just for…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angel Scouts

What better time to share my completed Scout Squad than with the release of Games Workshop’s Latest Game ‘Lost Patrol’. After the jump, some close ups of my Scout Squad and a couple more action shots like the one above. 

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Dark Angels Army

In the picture above I’m happy to present to you my completed Dark Angel army. It’s around 1300pts in total so not a bad size. I feel it needs a flyer and a tank or two to round it off. I’m sure I’ll return to…

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WIP: Dark Angel Scouts

I wonder if you guys and girls are as bored as seeing these scouts on the blog as I am painting them. Well here’s a picture of them and now lets talk about something else… New army time! Well nearly new army time. After these…

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WIP: Dark Angel Scouts

All the way back on the 26th February, I shared a WIP post with my Dark Angels Scouts. Then Deathwatch Overkill happened and that was the end of that project… until now! I’m in a bit of a completing unfinished project mood at the moment….

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WIP: Dark Angel Scout Squad

This is another unit from my never ending Space Marine Megaforce. I’ve actually been making a real conscious effort to work through the models in the box recently. This Scout squad will join other models from the box such as my Ultramarine Land Raider, Dark…

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