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This is another unit from my never ending Space Marine Megaforce. I’ve actually been making a real conscious effort to work through the models in the box recently. This Scout squad will join other models from the box such as my Ultramarine Land Raider, Dark Angel Devastators, Blood Angel Assault Marines, Dark Angel Drop Pod and Dark Angel Venerable Dreadnought. It’ll pretty much just leave 15 marines left to paint after these Scouts, which will probably become Space Wolves.
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Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Nothing wrong with never ending SM to-do piles 😉 Have you seen the size of my Relictors force so far…
Interesting choice of weapons, I guess Plasma as he's Dark Angels, if I was using a PF I would have armed the rest of the squad with BP and CCW. Oh and you'll have to now add a Landspeeder Storm to get him in battle 😉
I've not seen a scout sergeant with a power fist before! looks awesome.
Is your Army of the Imperium a playable army? I'm not a player but curious how that works.