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In the picture above I’m happy to present to you my completed Dark Angel army. It’s around 1300pts in total so not a bad size. I feel it needs a flyer and a tank or two to round it off. I’m sure I’ll return to this force and flesh it out. It’ll be great to get to 2000pts. What would you add to reach 2000pts?
Garfy is a UK hobbyist with over twenty years experience. He's a regular contributor to White Dwarf Magazine including 4 Armies of the Month features and has written articles for the Warhammer Community site. He holds 3 UK Golden Demon finalist pins and 2 Armies on Parade Gold award. His other passion is photography and cinematography, which he uses to great effect to deliver high quality content to the blog.
Well i quote Bonewhite Landraider and Deathwing Knights for this awesome army!
Warlord titan
Those guys look ready for a fight! I would add one of the unique Land Speeders, Ravenwing Knights look awesome too or a Landraider painted in bone livery would be excellent as well.
That's a nice start. I had over 9000pts of DA and their successors(got tired of painting green) at one point! So what would I add to your force? One of everything! AND THEN TWO OF EVERYTHING!!!!
Haha brilliant. I have Tyranids like this!
I would suggest that you go for the unique choices..deathwing knights,dark angel flyers, the big speeders and ravenwing knights. This way when you do up another marine army in the future you wont be repeating the build and paint tasks..
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The army looks great so far.
I think a bit more Ravenwing wouldn't hurt. So maybe another three bikes? Or if you want some vehicles, maybe Landspeeders?
As the Dark Angels have their own unique flyers and unique landspeeders, maybe this is also some place to look for extra units. As I recall, your SW had a leman russ back in the days, and your Blood Angels had a Furioso and a Baal predator. I think you always had a soft spot for chapter unique models. 😉