Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Spartan Assault Transports (inc. painting guide)
On today’s post we take a look at the Legion Spartan assault tanks for Legions Imperialis. There is also an updated painting guide and for the first time on the blog, my entire 3455pt army photo! Don’t miss it.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Sabre Squadron (inc. painting guide)
On today’s post I talk about hotdogs, ebay and hollowness as well as the usual how I painted the Iron Warriors’ Land Raiders and a 2200pt army photograph.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Sicaran Arcus and Punisher Squadron (inc. painting guide)
Trundling on to today’s blog post are the Legion Sicaran Punisher and Arcus Squadrons. These miniature armoured tanks are armed with new deadly turret weapons that are different from their starter set equivalents. Read on to find out more, including how I painted the Sicarans.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Thunderhawk Gunship (inc. painting guide)
After the disappointment of the Legions Support box a couple of weeks ago I’ve bounced right back with an absolute stunner of a model, the Thunderhawk Gunship! Check out some gorgeous photos including an updated army shot and paint recipe card in today’s blog post.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Support Detachments (inc. painting guide)
In my last post I rambled on about detachments and formations not really fitting together with what you get in each box of models, in this blog post I put on my big boy Astartes pants and just get on with growing the army by adding a Legion Garrison Force formation.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Land Raider Transport Detachment (inc. painting guide)
On today’s post I talk about hotdogs, ebay and hollowness as well as the usual how I painted the Iron Warriors’ Land Raiders and a 2200pt army photograph.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Rhino Transport Detachment (inc. painting guide)
The Rhino transport is one of the most recognisable vehicles in both Warhammer Horus Heresy and Warhammer 40,000 and now they’re driving straight into Legions Imperialis. You get 10 in a box and today I’m sharing the first 5 I’ve painted. Stay around until the end where I’ll share my 1000pt Iron Warriors force in all its glory.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors Kratos Heavy Tanks
Shaking the ground beneath their monstrous tracks, the Kratos Heavy Tank rumbles on to the blog today. Armed with a Kratos Battlecannon or a Melta blastgun these versatile tanks can take on Infantry, tanks or structures. Check out my Iron Warrior Kratos tanks, I’ll also share how I painted them with a free recipe card at the end of the article.
Showcase: Legions Imperialis Iron Warriors (inc. painting guides)
On today’s blog post I share my tiny tanks and troops. The new Legions Imperialis box set features Legiones Astartes (Space Marines) and Solar Auxilia (Imperial Guard equivalent). This game is set during the Horus Heresy so because it’s one big civil war the forces are all the same on both sides. So you can take this box and make one big army or a Legiones Astartes army vs Solar Auxilia or even two armies with a mix of both factions. For me, I wanted an Iron Warriors force.
Showcase: Iron Warriors Contemptor Dreadnought by Silvernome
Hey everyone, Silvernome here back with more Chaos Legion goodness! I’ve always been a fan of the Chaos Legions, but since I mostly play Death Guard and Thousand Sons I never really have had the chance to paint the other Legions without building out a…
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