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Hey party people! It’s Forest again. This time I bring you the most party hardened animals in the universe – the old Black Orcs! If you wanna find out why I bothered painting these ancient miniatures, read more after the jump.

I wanted to paint some Orcs for a long time, they are soo goofy and overly brutal that you just have to like them. Since another army would take too much time, making them a Warband for Warcry seemed like the perfect fit. It’s no secret that the Warcry hype is still alive and strong, the game is short yet exciting and a welcome variety to the usual Warhammer games. This is not a sponsored post 😛

At the painting table, I wanted to give the Orcs a bit more muted skin colours, that can be painted quite fast and still looks interesting. My main focus was on those old-school, bold forms painted on the classic armour that make them look brutal and clumsy at the same time like a first grader would doodle things. So they got a rich yellow with a little gradient here and there to spice things up.

I haven’t tested them in play yet, so if anybody has good advice for using them or has some thoughts about the paintjob, feel free to leave a comment or reaction below.