Showcase: Plaguebearers of Nurgle
Still feeling completely lost from recently moving house. I’m finding it very difficult to get any work done as most of our belongings are still in removal boxes. Hopefully normality will return soon. The last 12 months for me have been pretty full on with…
Showcase: Plague Drones of Nurgle
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks for me hence why I disappeared from Tale of Painters. We bought a new flat so instead of painting miniatures I have been packing, moving what seemed like hundreds of removal boxes and unpacking. The whole experience has…
Showcase: Daemon Prince of Nurgle and Typhus
Happy New Year all to 2013. I hope 2013 will bring as many great models as 2012 did. Today I show two of the most recent models I painted over the Christmas holidays which was Forge World Daemon Prince of Nurgle and Typhus. I used…
WIP: Chaos Nurgle Daemons
Happy Halloween all 🙂 Is the time to carve pumpkins, paint miniatures and stay away from Ouija boards. As you can see I’m currently working on Epidemius and the Greater Daemon of Nurgle. It’s still early on, but hopefully I will have the duo finished…
Showcase: Forgeworld Greater Daemon of Nurgle
It’s finished! There isn’t really all that much to say. This mini, despite maybe being a less complex cast than his three colleagues, is a blast to paint. I played around with various techniques and paints and did some stomach-turning research via image search…