40k, Showcase

Showcase: Nurgle Daemon Prince

Hi all! Today I present a blast from the past: The Nurgle Daemon Prince I once painted. I added a little conversion by giving him a mask from the Chaos Defiler. Still a nice model I think, would you agree? Tell me in the comments.

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Age of Sigmar, Showcase

Showcase: Nurgle Rotbringers Sorcerer

Hey guys, I’ve painted this little guy the Nurgle Sorcerer to bring my Nurgle Rotbringers army up to 1000 points for a local Age of Sigmar doubles tournament! This was a quick paintjob in order to get my Nurgle Rotbringers army to 1000 points to…

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40k, Showcase

Showcase: Chaos Spawn of Nurgle

Hi, all! Now that Dark Imperium is out, I remembered that I used to paint some Nurgle guys, like this Chaos Spawn. The model is converted from a Skaven Rat Ogre. Something different compared to the new 8th edition models, but I still like it. So how areeverybody’s Dark Imperium…

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Age of Sigmar

WIP: Nurgle Glottkin #2

A quick update on my Glottkin progress, I have now finished the second rider, Ethrac the wizard brother. Next up onto the monster, which is daunting but hopefully will be a fun experience!

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Age of Sigmar

WIP: Nurgle The Glottkin #1

Hey everyone, the next project on my painting table is the Glottkin. The Glottkin comprises of three models, the large monster Ghurk Glott, and two of his brothers Otto and Ethrac who ride atop him. I’m painting the two smaller models first before tackling the…

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